Surviving Pandemic

2020 was off to a good start until it brought something unexpected. At the end of January 2020, our employees enjoyed their trip to Myeik islands and Prachuap city as part of MTSH staff retreat program. Since the previous fiscal year was closed with a tremendous success, we were hoping to go further and achieve better goals. Then in the late March 2020, the first patient of Covid-19 in Myanmar was tested.

Since then, things have changed a lot.  As much as the lifestyle of individuals has changed, the process and nature of working operations have changed as well. We learned new concepts, coped with new practices and transitioned to new normal environment.

It has been quite a struggle for all of us due to the sudden changes in so many aspects. With delayed communications, temporarily suspended operations, huge drop of employments, health and safety risks, the world has never seen a tougher time.

MTSH, with the guiding of Management and cooperation of its employees, was able to adapt effective crisis-proof practices from around the world and emerge to overcome the crises strategically.

Our Goal

  • To cope with the changes and evolve a safe workplace and strategy that fully impact on sustaining our business operations. A triple Winning plan : a Win for our stakeholders – a Win for our employees – a Win for the company.
  • From the success of our business, to bring contributions to the communities those are in need and in our concern.


Our Strategy

  • Fluidify the working hours and workplaces to avoid possible maximum risks of getting infected with Corona virus.
  • Develop a reporting system that allows the timely flow of operational information from staff to Management and proceed approvals, amendments and revision with the minimum delay.
  • Provide Covid-19 prevention/treatment facilities to the employees, their families and local communities to make sure we are creating a valued and diverse environment that everyone is offered equal opportunities to survive the pandemic and move forward to safer healthier future.
  • Switch to easier and more accessible communication platforms to let our shareholders keep in touch with the company and keep them posted with company's activities.

Our Actions:
Facilitating Our Employees with Kitchen Supplies and Medicine​​


​​Our Actions: Proceeding Safety Practices Guidelined By MOHS​


​​Our Actions: Philanthropic Activities - Donations for COVID-19

​​Our Actions: Vaccinations for COVID-19

No. Items MTSH's total employee list TPD's total employee list MTSH's toal family list TPD's total employee list
1 Covid Injection 1st Dose 34 44 13 196
2 Covid Injection 2nd Dose 34 44 13 196
3 Booster Dose 31 31 13 79



​​Our Actions: Working With Business Continuity Plan

Remote working system is what played a vital role in time of COVID crisis and we effectively developed a 3-Shifts and 2-Shifts BCP plans to achieve required social distancing while continuing our operations.

List of BCP Shift Plan
No. Date Shift Assign
1 27-03-2020 ~ 10-09-2020 3 A, B, C
2 11-09-2020 ~ 21-10-2020 2 A, B
3 22-10-2020 ~ 09-04-2021 3 A, B, C
4 20-04-2021 ~ 04-07-2021 2 A, B
5 05-07-2021 ~ 14-11-2021 3 A, B, C
6 15-11-2021 ~ 08-04-2022 2 A, B
7 18-04-2022 ~ up to now Full Swing  


​​Our Actions: Communicating With Shareholders

When the pandemic broke out and offices were needed to be closed for an unforeseeable amount of time, to remain reachable for shareholders has become one of our major concerns. To keep our shareholders calm and maintain their confidence on the company is as important as to keep on our operations.

We switched our communication media from usual office telephones to mobile phones and Viber to which shareholders can instantly contact and make their inquiries.

Moreover, we decided to stay standby for general calls even on weekends for the convenience of shareholders. They were able to contact us via 09-969997808/7817 for mobiles and 09-969997808 for viber.


​​Our Actions: Effective Reporting System for Sustained Operations

We developed a reporting system that overruns the communication obstacles caused by Covid-19, and enables the undisturbed flow of information from the bottom to top of the company and makes the required decision.

​*When the country suddenly got into the highly difficult political situation, we carried our crisis-proof practices on and timely adjusted as required to be able to secure the safety of our employees and consistency of organizational productivity.